Sunday, July 16, 2006


This is me hanging out in my sweet ride. Dad thinks that it is his toy but we all know who it is really for.

Fun in Florida

This is me just chillin' with my Aunt Linille and Cousin Talan down in Florida. Talan is a funny guy who is just about ready to walk. He also has a white thing in his mouth that will let him eat some hard food soon. Will I be able to do that in 5 months?

3 Days Older?

This is my girlfriend, Sophia. Now do any of you really believe that she is older than me? Ok, so it is only three days.

Baby Fat

What? It's my freshman fifteen, or twelve. It appears that I have doubled my weight in two months. I am now a buff 12 lbs 8ozs. I swear that it is all milk weight.

All Dressed Up

Why do I have to get all dressed up? I am not going anywhere! And why the hoodie? It's summer for crying out loud!

Mom and Me

Why the pouty face?

Visit from Sarah

Mom's friend Sarah came over to visit and thinks that I eat fingers. She is my first babysitter and it allowed mom to go get some food so I will play along, for now.

Pig Roast

I went to my first party at Joan Hittinger's house in Cincinnati. We had a great time. Who brought the rug?

Me and Molly

Tony's better half is less willing to put up with the mobile rug. I get all the attention. How do you like me now Stoli!

All Things Pitiful

My buddy Tony came over to see me and of course the mobile rug had to butt in and infringe on my territory. Does that thing ever go away?

First Bath

I wasn't a big fan of my first bath. But I love them now. Thanks Meme for teaching me about the finer things in life!

Little Angel (or Devil)

Do you think that my mother is trying to tell me something? Thanks to my Aunt Linille I have to put up with these types of pictures.

Just a Little Yellow

I am feeling sleepy.... A little nap in the sun should help.

Grandma Hinrichs

Grandma and Grandpa Hinrichs came to visit today. The came in all the way from Iowa just to see me. Grandma promised me bacon next time!

Grampo thinks he is pretty funny putting his glasses on me, like I don't already look like a bubba! Now they call me Calderville. Thanks Grampo!

Meme and Grampo

Meme and Grampo came to visit me on my birthday. They called from the road right as I was being born and got there just in time to see me all cleaned up.

Fat Momma

This is me about 8 hours before I was born. OK, OK, it is really a picture of my mother. But I am in the picture too!

My First Day

Hello World!

I couldn't wait to get here and meet everyone so, unlike my parents, I arrived early. Three weeks early. And it is a good thing since I was already 6lbs 4 ozs and 19.5" long. I did shrink by the next day since I came out with a conehead!