Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm going to be a race car driver for Holloween. Uncle Jesse said that I need some oakleys and a mustache to authenticate the costume.
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Back home and back to work. Mommy and Daddy have been busy tearing apart the deck. Cora cheers them on. I've never heard of cheering for deck destroyers.
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We are having a good time with Babo in his garage. I think he just told us a silly joke.
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Umm, we're sitting on a keg. Is there something funny about that?
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This is Babos' chair, but he'll have to go through both of us to get it.
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I don't get to practice my soccer skills on professional quality turf very often, so I took advantage and played a bit with Meme. She's not bad.
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It's the car color wheel! Babo is showing off his car collection and my daddy is showing off his college eduation. I pick out a car that I would like to drive and daddy tells me how much I need to pay. Then he makes me count out the money.
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Daddy was showing us a snake hole. We are not afraid cause we have our booglie booglie boo sticks.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

My daddy, my daddys' daddy and my cousins' daddy all being bad I think. They usually get pretty silly this late at night around a bond fire with red plastic cups in their hands. I wonder what is in the red cups.
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They look alike and they sound alike. The Hatfield sisters are together. Can you hear them?
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Daddy and his best man Christopher under the October stars. Not stars? Oh, Daddy birds. Babo decorates the clambake with lots and lots of daddy birds. Some people call them lamingos.
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Finally! Dig in! I was excited to eat clams since there was a whole event around them. I put one into my mouth and very quickly gave it back to mom. Everyone else seems to like them very much. I don't understand.
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Daddy and his cronies Ben and Christopher. If you look closely you'll see a very disgruntled helper in the back trying desperatly to be a part of the photo. Kidding. That's Tony. He's the grill master of the clam bake.
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That's my rock star daddy. He's takin charge of the clams. He's the man!
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That's my sister Cora. She has a bit of an attitude. Don't mess with her. It's for your safety.
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Seeing double? Yep that's me and my cousin, Talan. Oh and the super silly one is my Babo. He's got a car on his head.
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